So instead of rambling on about how I want to see spring blossoms, or want a seasonal change of wardrobe (or at least not have to pull a full on coat on every time I go out), I bring to you some of the snowiest of snowy pictures. What better than building your own snowman/woman in your front yard?
And to start off: a picture that always brings a smile. Bug clearly getting into it and having the most fun while A is borderline indifferent about our snowman's accessories.
Love how they are both standing so awkwardly as I take their picture.
I pulled out a childhood favorite (squirt bottle with a lot of water and 2-3 drops food coloring). Sent it out with Miss A saying "go give him some rosy cheeks." Came out later and learned I should have specified just which cheeks I meant.
And here we have our final product.
But seriously. I know this is Utah, and I know that we can potentially have it snow even up until June. But I still dislike it. So cut it out already.
Bring on the mild 50 degree weather already.